Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 (500g) box devil's food or chocolate cake mix

  2. 800g chocolate icing (shop bought, or your favourite recipe)

  3. 150g digestive biscuit crumbs

  4. 24 Nice biscuits, or any oval or rectangular shaped biscuit

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Prepare and bake cake mix according to packet directions for cupcakes.

  2. Ice the cooled cupcakes with 3/4 of the icing.

  3. Fill a pastry bag, fitted with a plain tip, with remaining icing. Write R.I.P. on each biscuit, towards one end. Stand a decorated biscuit on top of each cupcake so that it looks like a grave marker. Sprinkle digestive crumbs over the iced cupcakes, to look like dirt. Serve!


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