Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. boneless ham dried apricots marjoram ground paprika pepper salt maggi apricot jam oil from grapes onion

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Prepare a marinade with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, maggi, apricot jam and spices (paprika, pepper, salt and marjoram).

  2. Rub well the meat with marinade.

  3. In the middle od the meat make the pocket and put the apricots inside.

  4. Pocket close with a pin.

  5. Cover the meat tightly and leave for 12 hours in the refrigerator.

  6. In a pan with a thick bottom (on the sides of the meat must be over 5 cm of free space, and above the meat again as much free space as the meat takes) heat the remaining oil and fry removed from the marinade meat - it must be brown on all sides.

  7. Add chopped onions.

  8. Pour over the meat with water at 5 cm above the top of the meat. Bring to a boil.

  9. Reduce gas and simmer 2-2.5 hours turning several times. If the water level is lower than 1/4 amount of meat, pour in ½ cup of water.

  10. When the meat is completely soft, remove it and cool. I cut meat when it is cold, otherwise it may crumble.

  11. If meat must be served hot, and it was baked before it can be warmed in a sauce or wrapped in aluminum foil and steamed in the oven.

  12. After removing the meat, you can rub the sauce through a sieve, mix, add the cream, thicken it with grated gingerbread or black bread - what you prefere. The meat is very tender, juicy and the sauce is delicious.


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