• 3servings
  • 20minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsLipids, Cellulose
VitaminsC, P
MineralsNatrium, Silicon, Sulfur, Cobalt

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 2 Cups (Thick) Yogurt (Curd)

  2. 2 (Medium Size) Carrots

  3. 1/2 Cup (of Red) Onion, (Finely Chopped)

  4. 1 Green Chili (Finely Chopped)

  5. 1/4 Tsp (Roasted) Cumin Powder

  6. Salt to taste

  7. To Temper : 2 Tsp Oil

  8. 1 Tsp Mustard seeds

  9. 1 Tsp Urad Dal

  10. (Few) Curry Leaves

  11. To Garnish:

  12. (Few) Cilantro Leaves

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Wash and grate the carrots and keep it aside.

  2. Take a bowl with yogurt and beat the yogurt to get a smooth and creamy consistency.

  3. Add grated carrots, chopped onion, chopped green chilly, roasted cumin powder and salt to the yogurt. Mix well.

  4. Heat a pan with oil, add mustard, urad dal and curry leaves, after they splutter, add this tempering items to a bowl containing yogurt.

  5. Finally check the salt and garnish it with cilantro leaves.

  6. Tips Serve this raita for beetroot pulao or tomato rice or any spicy pulao or paratha.

  7. You can add more green chilly, if you want more spicy side.

  8. You can also add pepper, if you want.

  9. Health Benefits of Carrot Good for the eyes.

  10. Prevents cancer.

  11. Vitamin A and antioxidant in carrot protect the skin from sun damage.

  12. Prevents heart disease and stroke.

  13. It has anti-aging property.


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