Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Ingredients :

  2. 2 lb sazan (carp) or cat-fish

  3. 1 ea large carrot

  4. 1 ea large onion

  5. 3 tbsp oil

  6. 2 tbsp fat

  7. 3 tbsp butter

  8. 1 1/2 cup tomato paste

  9. 1 quart water

  10. 5 ea large potatoes

  11. salt

  12. spices

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Method :

  2. Cube filleted fish. Melt fat in a skillet. Put in chopped carrot, potato cubes and fish over. Fry chopped onion until it is light brown and put it on the fish with tomato paste. Pour boiling water over so that it covers all ingredients. Add salt and spices. Stew on a low heat until it is ready. Serve in deep plates with chopped greens.


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