Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Boneless beef chuck roast - 3 1/2 lbs.

  2. Season salt 1 To taste

  3. Pepper 1 To taste

  4. Canned tomatoes 1 Quart

  5. Onions 6 Medium , thinly sliced

  6. ROKEACH Kosher Nyafat - 2 tablespoons

  7. ROKEACH Pure Honey - 1/2 cup

  8. Lemon juice 1 Teaspoon

  9. Sweet potatoes 2

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Directions GETTING READY 1. Season the beef with salt and pepper.

  2. MAKING 2. In a large casserole or Dutch oven, heat the ROKEACH Kosher Nyafat.

  3. Fry the onions in it till brown and crisp. Remove to a plate using a slotted spoon.

  4. Sear the meat on both sides to seal the juices within the roast.

  5. Reduce the heat; cover the casserole with its lid and simmer the meat for 1 1/2 hours, turning the meat once or twice.

  6. Let the fried onions, tomatoes, onions, honey, lemon juice and sweet potatoes join the meat in the pot. Stir well.

  7. Cover again and cook the meat for another hour or until meat and vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally and adding a little water if necessary.

  8. SERVING 8. Slice the Roast into serving portions and serve with the gravy and vegetables.


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