Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1-1/2 cups nonfat dry milk powder

  2. 1/2 cup granulated sugar

  3. 3/4 cup powdered sugar

  4. 1 cup sifted cornstarch

  5. 1/2 teaspoon salt

  6. 2 teaspoons vanilla powder

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Combine all ingredients and store in container with tight-fitting lid. Makes 3 cups mix, yielding 24 servings of prepared pudding. Stir mix well. For two servings, combine 1/4 cup Vanilla Pudding Mix and 1 cup milk in a small saucepan. Heat over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture boils. Boil gently, stirring constantly, for one minute. Remove from heat and add 1/4 tsp. vanilla, stirring well. Pour into serving dishes and chill until thickened.


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