• 1serving

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Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Pour 4 Gallons of : rum , beer , vodka , bourbon ,Scotch,(or) any mixture of these.

  2. Place in a large vessel.

  3. For a little flavor,pass 8 boiled chicken Necks over the liquid while making very sure that these NEVER touch the other ingredients.

  4. Next,throw the chicken necks in the garbage or feed to your dog or cat.

  5. Drink remaining liquids after hiding the car keys and throwing your cell phone in the neighbors back yard.

  6. Everyone was laughing,but me,just did'nt get it,but maybe someone will enjoy

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Comments on recipe:

  2. ~~Pause~~ 10 seconds,thinking as fast as I can trying to come up with a safe response.

  3. The preception of the recipe,the puzzle is obvious.

  4. It's a paradox~~"You know" or "Your Don't know"

  5. Build assumtions on general statistics~~"Your here"~"I'm here".

  6. The phsycology departments are mainly female~so~ we can talk about this situation in painstaking detail,analyze everything,over and over again,exploring every work,expression,gesture for nuances or meaning.Considering every possible ramification.

  7. ~~Mine~~Trepidation Free.

  8. Thank-you for viewing this recipe and making your comments,I am interested.

  9. Kind regards Joyce


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