Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1/2 avocado

  2. chilli paste

  3. squeeze lime or lemon juice

  4. rye bread

  5. few slices smoked salmon

  6. lime wedges

  7. (slices of roast chicken or turkey also work well)

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Mash the avocado with a little chilli paste and a squeeze of lime or lemon juice. Spoon over a slice of rye bread and top with the sliced smoked salmon and lime wedges.

  2. This is also good with sliced roast chicken or turkey.

  3. Make your own quick rye bread Next time you're in IKEA, pick up a carton of rye bread mix. Simply add warm water to the carton, give it a good shake, pour into a loaf tin and leave to rise. Bake according to pack instructions. It makes a wonderfully dense, dark loaf that is a perfect base for open sandwiches


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