• 20servings

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsCarbohydrates, Cellulose

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. chocolate or vanilla cupcakes

  2. White icing

  3. Red and yellow food coloring

  4. 1 round chocolate cookie (such as chocolate wafer cookie )

  5. 1 Hershey kiss

  6. orange gel icing

  7. orange sprinkles or colored sugar

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Make the orange icing: Put 2 drops of red food coloring and 4 drops of yellow food coloring into a bowl of white icing.

  2. Mix until it becomes orange.

  3. Spread a generous amount of orange icing on the cupcakes.

  4. Make sure there is plenty of icing.

  5. That is the glue that holds the witch hat to the cupcakes.

  6. Make the Witch Hat Place a drop of orange gel icing in the center of the chocolate cookie.

  7. Press the Hershey kiss on top of the icing to make the witch hat.

  8. To decorate the witch hat, put a dab of orange gel icing on the tip of the Hershey kiss.

  9. Sprinkle orange sugar over the witch hat, allowing it to stick to the tip where the gel icing is, and fall onto the brim of the witch hat.

  10. Press the witch hat onto the cupcake at a slight angle, making sure it is secure.


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