Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Chocolate Cupcakes (omit Easy White Icing)

  2. Simple Buttercream for Cupcakes

  3. 18 full-size marshmallows

  4. 24 chocolate sprinkles

  5. 3 to 4 orange gummy fish, cut into 12 pointed pieces for the nose

  6. 12 chocolate-coated mint candies

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Cover tops of cupcakes with buttercream. Cut 6 marshmallows in half, and squish to make them slightly smaller. Using a wet toothpick, make two holes in each squished marshmallow, and insert sprinkles to create eyes. Use one piece of gummy fish for the nose.

  2. Place a dab of icing on the tops of the remaining 12 marshmallows. Place a squished marshmallow on top of each to create the head. Place a dab of icing on each head, and top with a chocolate candy for a hat.


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