• 8servings
  • 50minutes
  • 693calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsCarbohydrates, Cellulose
VitaminsH, D
MineralsFluorine, Calcium

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 295.73 ml chocolate wafer crumbs

  2. 78.07 ml butter , melted

  3. 118 1/59 ml butter , softened

  4. 177.44 ml brown sugar

  5. 3 eggs

  6. 340.19 g semisweet chocolate morsels

  7. 9.85 ml instant coffee

  8. 4.92 ml vanilla extract

  9. 118 1/59 ml flour

  10. 236 1/29 ml pecans , coarsely chopped

  11. sweetened whipped cream

  12. chocolate syrup

  13. maraschino cherry , with stems removed

  14. mint sprig

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Combine chocolate wafer crumbs and 1/3 cup melted butter; firmly press on.

  2. bottom and sides of a 9-inch tart pan or pie plate.

  3. Bake at 350*F. for 6-8 minutes.

  4. Cream 1/2 cup softened butter; gradually add brown sugar with the electric mixer at medium speed until blended. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating after each addition. Stir in the melted chocolate, instant coffee granules, vanilla, flour and chopped pecans. Pour into prepared.

  5. crust.

  6. Bake at 375*F. for 25 minutes. Remove from the oven and cool completely on a wire.

  7. rack.

  8. Before serving, pipe sweetened whipped cream on each piece and drizzle.

  9. with chocolate syrup. Garnish with cherries and/or mint if desired. Enjoy!


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