• 1serving

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Nutrition Info . . .

MineralsNatrium, Silicon, Phosphorus

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  1. 1 spray bottle

  2. water

  3. So you fill the spray bottle with salt water and spray down the floor with the salt water that has these little demons in the carpet, leave the room, and close the door. You should do this several times a day. This takes about a month to be totally effective. You may want to put a towel under the door to help keep the fleas from just running into the hallway. Or spray in front of the door well too. Or both spray and towel. Its a natural way to kill them. And, I have a friend who swears by it. He hates using anything that will hurt our environment.

  4. Way Number 2

  5. A large flattish bowl, those clear plastic things that go under plants to keep the water from making a big mess works well

  6. Warm water

  7. salt

  8. Desk Lamp

  9. You take the bowl, mix up salt water in it. Not to heavy, remember they are attracted to us and we are not heavy salt, but not to light either. Experiment.

  10. You want this to be deep enough that they drown in it. And drowning a flea is not easy!!

  11. Set it on the floor of the room that you want to un-infest.

  12. Plug in the lamp, set it beside the bowl, making sure that the light bulb is just above the water to keep it warm.

  13. Make sure the lamp is turned on.

  14. Leave setting on the floor as long as needed. The fleas just jump into the salt waterAgain this could take awhile to do the full job. Change out the water when too many of the little critters are in it. I think my friend changes it at least once a day.

  15. Yet another friend offered this suggestion:

  16. The same thing with the lamp and a low bowl of water

  17. But he adds a touch of dawn soap to the waterHe said that the fleas can swim out of the salt water but the dawn catches them and they can not get out.

  18. He also had another interesting suggestion:

  19. 6 to 8 drops of apple cider to you pets

  20. 8 ounces of waterMake sure it is the only water they drink.

  21. After about 6 weeks their skin is more acidic and fleas do not like that so they will not be on them, ie no biting our babies!!!

  22. gigilovescats2 said:

  23. Buy Food Grade diatomaceous earth ..look it up! It kills Spiders, Fleas, Roaches, Mites and is not harmful to children or pets when eaten...GREATTTT STUFF

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  1. The problem for me is that I have 3 cats and this is not working as well as I would like. Both of these take time and patience. My friend has great luck with this. Of course there is just him and his one cat in his house, no kids running through rooms and tipping stuff over.


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