Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 large whole chicken , jointed olive oil

  2. 2 bulbs garlic , sliced in half across the middle

  3. 2 sprigs thyme

  4. 1 preserved lemons , sliced into wedges

  5. 5 bay leaves

  6. 125 ml dry white wine

  7. 200 g new potatoes

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Tray-baked chicken Method 1. Preheat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.

  2. Drizzle plenty of olive oil into a roasting tray and place over a high heat. Sear the chicken pieces in the tray, skin-side down, for 4-5 minutes until golden-brown all over. Add the garlic bulbs, thyme, preserved lemon wedges and one sprig of the thyme. Mix well, then turn the chicken pieces over so that they are skin-side up.

  3. Pour the wine into the tray and place into the oven for 20 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through. Remove from the oven and transfer the chicken pieces to a warm plate to rest.

  4. Meanwhile, cook the new potatoes in a pan of boiling salted water for 4-5 minutes, or until half-cooked. Drain, then place back into the pan with a splash of water and cook for a further 4-5 minutes, or until tender.

  5. Place the roasting tray back over a medium heat. Using a wooden spoon, crush the garlic bulbs to release the flesh, and scrape up any browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Add the remaining thyme and cook for a few minutes, or until the liquid in the tray has reduced to a sauce consistency.

  6. Serve the chicken with the new potatoes and spoon over the sauce.


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