Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Assorted pretzel rods

  2. mini marshmallows

  3. white chocolate bars (preferably Ghirardelli)

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Melt white chocolate in shallow dish or bowl in the microwave Hint: check the chocolate after 1 minute, even if it doesn’t look melted, it often is and just needs to be stirred. Be very careful not to overcook the chocolate.

  2. Assemble pretzel bones by putting a marshmallow on both ends, round side first. You can play with the sizes, making some bones longer than others.

  3. Dip a few bones at a time in the chocolate and spoon the bones with chocolate to coat them well.

  4. With the same spoon, gently place the bones on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper.

  5. When the cookie sheet is filled with bones, put them in the fridge until completely cool and dry.

  6. Serve on a plate alongside other cookies.

  7. For a fun party favor make a “Bag ‘o Bones” by putting the bones in a clear plastic lunch baggie and seal with an orange ribbon.


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