Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. water cinnamon stick cloves bay leaf salt oil onion carrots spinach fennel seeds Basmati rice red chilli powder green cardamom black cardamom

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Wash and soak the Rice for at least 1/2 hour.

  2. In a microwave-safe dish which is at least 4″ deep and holds at least 4-5 cups, add Oil, Fennel Seeds, Onions, Cardamom, Cinnamon Stick, Bay Leaf and Cloves. Mix well.

  3. Microwave uncovered for 3 minutes.

  4. Add in the Chopped Spinach and the Grated Carrots. Mix well and microwave for another 3 minutes, uncovered.

  5. Drain the water from the soaked Rice and add it in the bowl.

  6. Add Salt,Chili Powder and 2 cups Water. Mix well and cook covered for 15 minutes, stirring and checking every 5 minutes.

  7. Let the Rice stand for a few minutes before you fluff it up with a fork.

  8. Serve hot with Yogurt.


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