Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. ground beef meat (first quality) egg grated parmesan cheese black pepper sea salt 3 day breadcrumb milk garlic parsley mint extra virgin olive oil nutmeg home made tomato sauce

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. First , prepare all the ingredients: - grate the parmesan; chop the garlic clove very coarsely; chop the parsley very coarsely; grate the nutmeg; cut the mint leaves in small pieces. Take some breadcrumbs and put some milk on top to moist. Add all the ingredients you prepared to the meat. Add the egg, the black pepper, the salt. Work all together with your hands. Work gently! Make some small size balls.GRILL THEM, on a grill pan where you put some extra virgin olive oil. Put them in the home made tomato suace you prepared in advance, just with onion, basil, tomatos Eat warm!


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