Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 lb Beans

  2. -(blue lakes, yellows, - haricot verts) 1 tb Walnut oil

  3. 1 tb Olive oil

  4. 1 Shallot; finely diced

  5. 1 ts Fresh tarragon, minced

  6. 4 New-crop walnuts; cracked

  7. 4 quarts water to boil and add

  8. 1 1/2 tablespoons salt. Cook beans in

  9. 2 batches until tender but still a little firm, then lift out. Lay them on a kitchen towel to dry for a minute or so. Transfer to a bowl. Add oils, shallot, tarragon and walnut pieces. Toss and season to taste with salt and pepper. Add a little vinegar just before serving. Serve warm.


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