Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 large whole mackerel

  2. 1tsp chilli powder

  3. 1 tsp turmeric powder

  4. tsp salt

  5. Banana leaf and cocktail stick

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. How to make ikan panggang 1. Prepare the mackerel by scoring deep diagonal cuts along the length of the fish. Around 6-8 cuts on both sides should be sufficient. This will make sure the flavour of the mixture seeps into the fish.

  2. Mix the chilli and turmeric powder and salt in a bowl then rub the mixture on both sides of the fish, ensuring it covers the diagonal cuts.

  3. Sprinkle water over the fish and rub into the mixture to create a smooth paste from the powder.

  4. (Optional) wrap the fish with the banana leaf and secure with a cocktail stick.

  5. Grill for approximately 15 minutes, half the time for each side, or until cooked.

  6. For the dipping sauce: place ingredients for the dipping sauce into a bowl and mix together. Your may want to dilute the tamarind juice with a little water to make it less tangy.

  7. Recipe courtesy of Satay House London


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