• 4servings
  • 20minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsLipids, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B2, D, E
MineralsNatrium, Manganese, Iron, Magnesium, Sulfur, Cobalt

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Paneer cubes 10

  2. Spinach (Palak/ washed and chopped) 4 cups

  3. Water (for boiling spinach)

  4. Green chili 4

  5. Onions finely chopped 1/2 cup

  6. Turmeric powder (pinch)

  7. Cumin seeds 1/2 tbsp

  8. Mustard seeds 1/2 tbsp

  9. Urad dal 1 tbsp

  10. Chana dal 1 tbsp

  11. Coriander powder 1 tbsp

  12. Cumin powder 1/2 tbsp

  13. Red chili 2

  14. Curry leaf (1 spring)

  15. Oil for deep fry

  16. for spicy version:

  17. Bay leaf-2,

  18. clove-2,

  19. cardamom -2 ,

  20. cinnamon 1 (stick )

  21. butter 1/4stick

  22. Salt as per taste

  23. Red chili powder (as per taste)

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Boil spinach by adding 3 cups of water for 4 cups of spinach in a cooker or outside till the spinach gets finely cooked.

  2. It takes 2 whistles for cooker. If you have microwave add 100ml water to spinach and microwave in a bowl for 5 min covering with plastic wrap on top.

  3. Heat oil ( or butter) in a pan and add mustard seeds and allow them to splatter then add cumin seeds and wait to splatter.

  4. Then add urad dal and Chana dal and saute for 2 min under medium flame.

  5. ( for spicy version add cloves.

  6. Cardamom, cinnamon and bay leaf and saute for 2 min) Then add turmeric, curry leaf and onions and cook until they turn transparent.

  7. Add paneer cubes and cook till they turn golden brown.

  8. Now take the boiled spinach and grind it with green chili and 2 cloves of garlic. Do not throw the left over water after boiling Palak.

  9. Add this paste to the pan and mix well add leftover Palak boiled water and cook for 10 min under medium flame.

  10. Finally add cumin, coriander powder, salt, red chili powder and mix well.

  11. Cook till you find oil starts leaving curry that us you can see oil on top if the curry. You can add tomato if you wish before adding spinach but it is not advisory from health point of view as it cause kidney stones when cooked with Palak.

  12. You can even add tamarind juice If you want it to be tangy.

  13. Hope you like my recipe.


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