• 11servings
  • 45minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsCarbohydrates, Cellulose
VitaminsH, D
MineralsFluorine, Cobalt

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 4 eggs, weighed

  2. same weight of sugar

  3. same weight of butter

  4. same weight of self-raising flour

  5. For the coating:

  6. 300g white chocolate

  7. For the cake flavours:

  8. 3 rounded teaspoons cocoa powder

  9. 6 strawberries, mashed

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Preheat the oven to 160 C / Gas 2.5. Grease and flour the metal castle moulds.

  2. Cream the butter and sugar together till fluffy then add the eggs. Sieve in the flour then stir till every thing is mixed in.

  3. Divide the cake mixture between 2 bowls, then put half the mix of one bowl into a separate bowl. You should have three bowls: one bowl with double the amount of the other two.

  4. Divide the mix in the big bowl between 5 moulds and put on the baking tray - these will be the vanilla cakes.

  5. Mix the cocoa powder into one of the bowls then divide between 3 moulds: these will be the chocolate cakes.

  6. Mix the mashed strawberries into the last bowl: these will be the strawberry cakes.

  7. Put the whole tray of cakes in the oven and bake until a skewer inserted near the centre comes out clean, about 20 minutes. Allow the cakes to cool for 5 minutes, then unmould to cool completely on a wire rack.

  8. Melt the white chocolate (or make icing). Dip the bottom of each unmoulded cake into the chocolate: this will be the cup.

  9. To finish, stick a 7cm piece of a drinking straw into each cake this of course will be the (drum roll please) STRAW! phew; your done!


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