Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. for Halloween Punch

  2. 4 cup of apple juice.

  3. 4 cup of red wine.

  4. A pinch of cinnamon

  5. A pinch of nutmeg.

  6. 8 medium-sized apples.

  7. Brown sugar to taste.

  8. Recipe for Halloween Punch

  9. Peel apples and remove the seeds, cut in half and carve them into heads - make eyes, mouth, nose.

  10. Drop the apple heads into a liter of wine with juice , sugar and spices added.

  11. Let it stand by for 1 hours.

  12. Serve in large bowls. This drink can be served both cold and hot. However, heat is only if you have a home-made apple juice, because industrial juices from packages when heated, release toxic substances and can be used only cold.

  13. Halloween Punch


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