• 40minutes
  • 518calories

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Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 453 1/29 g ground chuck

  2. 2.46 ml salt

  3. 2.46 ml pepper

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Preparation is imperative for the perfect burger. That’s why you can’t get one at a restaurant.

  2. First you must go to the butcher and ask for Twice ground chuck roast. If they send it through once it won’t be perfect. Plus when you do that you’re getting fresh meat from the back. Not what’s been packaged and sitting up front for who knows how long. DO NOT use ground mystery meat. That’s the difference between a hot dog and a pork loin or a rib eye and a sirloin. It doesn’t cost that much extra so why not.

  3. Secondly if you want to cook it right you must use a cast iron skillet. Burgers need to be seared immediately to lock in juices. If you use a thin god forbid non stick skillet it will reduce dramatically in temp once the cold meat hits the pan thus not giving you that beautiful blackish brown outside. Go ahead and put your skillet on medium while prepping so its hot enought when your ready.

  4. Thirdly spices must be consistent. You can’t just shake out perfection. It is measured. With that in mind you must put 1/8th tsp of salt and 1/8th tsp of pepper on each side of each patty preferably before you sear. It sticks better that way. Don't have 1/8th. Use a 1/4 equally on the two patties this makes. Flip and do the same thing. DO NOT mix them in the meat. That is just lazy and you need the salt and pepper concentrated on first part of the meat that touches your tongue.

  5. Fourthly. You must form your patties very loosely to keep the burger juicy. This is more of an art to keep them held together whilst keeping it loose but what I do is use the standard patty maker you get at Wal-Mart. I pitch pieces of ground chuck off the bulk and drop into the circular mold. Pile a little over and press lightly. Now it’s still too loose to pry out so you turn upside down and tap on the hot skillet until one side starts to fall out. Then tilt back a little to encourage the rest to come out. Also since you probably have alot of ground chuck to use do this on aluminum foil in two's and wrap. Freeze and it will be alot easier to cook later. Fresh is always better but frozen is still better than what you get at Five Guys or Outback.

  6. Fifthly. Sear on one side for a few minutes then flip carefully on cast iron. I use two spatulas sometimes if it’s two loose. Cook to medium well. DO NOT burn them. if it feels hard in the middle while cooking you have already past well done so take them off and save what’s left of there dignity. I like pan seared but the grill works great too.


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