• 1serving

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsLipids, Cellulose
MineralsCalcium, Potassium

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Cream soups with pureed cooked potato, not cream

  2. Prepare stuffing with broth or applesauce instead of some or even all

  3. Of the fat.

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. * Reduce the serving size without making it look like less: Pound meats and chicken breasts or buy thin cutlets. * Combine meats if you can. Use half ground turkey, half ground beef in meat loaf and meatballs. * When browning meat for stew and pot roast, use a nonstick pan and only 1 tsp oil. If youi don't have a nonstick pan, spray pan lightly with cooking spray and heat, then add 1 tsp oil. * Cut back on the amount of Cheddar cheese a recipe calls for and then add a bit of parmesan for flavor. Or take advantage of the fuller flavor of sharp cheddar, but use a smaller amount than you would a mild Cheese. * Replace half the mayonnaise in creamy dressings and dips with plain low-fat or non fat yogurt. Add herbs, mustard, horseradish or salsa to boost the flavor. * You may be albe to substitute cocoa, which is fairly low in fat, for chocolate in some cakes and cookies. Add more liquid, if necessary, to make the food moist. * Cut back on the nuts and chocolate in cakes and cookies.

  2. Origin: Women's Day Magazine, October 1994. Shared by: Sharon Stevens, Dec/94.

  3. Submitted By SHARON STEVENS On 12-04-94


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