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Vitamin H:

Also known as biotin, this vitamin is required to metabolize fats and amino acids. It is also necessary for cell growth and is responsible for strengthening hair and nails.

  1. Ingredients: olive oil, pea, nut, juice, honey, cashew, apricot, cauliflower, lemon, cilantro, ginger, mustard, cumin, maple

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
    VitaminsB6, B9, H, C
    MineralsNatrium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Magnesium, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Cobalt
    Curried Cauliflower Salad
    Contains110 cal
    Servings10 people
    Ready in80 min
  2. Ingredients: beans, rice, chickpea, coconut, peanut, milk, cauliflower, lime
    Cauliflower-Lime Curry
    Contains500 cal
    Servings4 people
    Ready in35 min
  3. Ingredients: pea, potato, rice, chickpea, coconut, milk, squash, cauliflower, cilantro
    No-Hurry Vegetable Curry
    Contains355 cal
    Servings6 people
    Ready in420 min
  4. Ingredients: pea, beans, potato, coconut, cauliflower, carrot, cabbage, cream, chilli, mustard, cumin, vegetable, ginger
    Stir-fried vegetable curry
    Contains370 cal
    Servings4 people
    Ready in80 min
  5. Ingredients: olive oil, lamb, pea, tomato, cauliflower, ginger
    Lamb curry
    Contains300 cal
    Servings4 people
    Ready in80 min
  6. Ingredients: canola oil, potato, beans, pea, juice, eggplant, cauliflower, carrot, lime, cilantro, chili, cumin, ginger

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
    VitaminsA, B1, B2, B3, B6, H, C, D, E
    MineralsZinc, Natrium, Chromium, Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum
    Ginger, Split Pea & Vegetable Curry ...
    Contains161 cal
    Servings6 people
    Ready in50 min
  7. Ingredients: lentil, rice, pea, nut, cashew, yogurt, mango, carrot, cauliflower, chutney

    Nutrition Info . . .

    NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates, Cellulose
    VitaminsB1, B6, H, C, E, P
    MineralsFluorine, Chromium, Silicon, Iron, Magnesium, Sulfur, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Cobalt
    Spiced rice & lentils with cauliflower ...
    Contains404 cal
    Servings4 people
    Ready in30 min
  8. Ingredients: chickpea, rice, pea, tofu, cauliflower, carrot, apple, broccoli, tomato, vegetable
    Easy vegetable curry
    Contains386 cal
    Servings4 people
    Ready in50 min
  9. Ingredients: soy sauce, canola oil, fish, chicken, juice, spinach, cauliflower, lime, ginger
    Quick Thai Chicken & Vegetable Curry
    Contains252 cal
    Servings4 people
    Ready in45 min
  10. Ingredients: canola oil, chicken, fish, sauce, coconut, milk, juice, cauliflower, lime, spinach, ginger
    Quick Thai Chicken and Vegetable Curry
    Contains252 cal
    Servings4 people
    Ready in45 min
  11. nutrition [Vitamin H] search - curry cauliflower | Recipe Finder - page 2
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