• 6servings
  • 210minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsLipids, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B3, B9, D
MineralsCopper, Natrium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 5 lb bonless rolled chuck roast

  2. 2 tb unbleached flour

  3. 1 tb cooking oil

  4. 1/2 ts salt

  5. 1/4 ts pepper

  6. 3/4 c water

  7. 1 ea clove garlic, pressed

  8. 2 ea small onions , chopped

  9. 1/2 c tomato sauce

  10. 1 ea bay leaf

  11. 1/8 ts thyme leaves

  12. 1/2 lb fresh mushrooms , sliced

  13. 2 tb butter

  14. 1 c dairy sour cream

  15. 1 hot buttered noodles

  16. 1 paprika

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Dredge pot-roast in flour; brown all sides in cooking oil in Dutch oven.

  2. Slip rack under meat; sprinkle with salt and pepper.

  3. Add water, garlic, onion, tomato sauce, bay leaf and thyme. Cover and cook in slow oven (325 degrees F.) 3 1/2 hours or until tender.

  4. Cook sliced mushrooms in butter in small frying-pan until tender and golden.

  5. When meat is tender, remove to cutting board. Remove bay leaf.

  6. Thicken cooking liquid with 2 T flour combined with 1/4 c water, if desired.

  7. Add mushrooms and sour cream to cooking liquid; cook over moderate heat but do not allow to boil.

  8. Slice beef; serve with hot buttered noodles sprinkled with paprika. Pass the cream sauce separately.


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