Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 11/3 cup Confectioners'sugar

  2. 1 cup Sifted all-purpose flour

  3. 1 1/4 teaspoon Ground ginger

  4. cup Heavy cream (not ultra pasteurized)

  5. 3 Egg whites

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Preheat oven to 400'F. Generously butter and flour heavy cookie sheets or stack 2 thin sheets together.

  2. Sift confectioners' sugar, flour, and ginger into large bowl. Mix well. Set aside.

  3. In medium bowl, whip the cream at medium speed of electric mixer to soft peaks. Wash beaters.

  4. In small mixer bowl, beat egg whites at high speed of electric mixer to soft peaks. Fold the whipped cream and egg whites into flour mixture.

  5. Cover batter and refrigerate 2 hours.

  6. To shape cookies:

  7. Work with ½ C batter at a time, keeping remaining batter refrigerated. Use a flatware teaspoon.

  8. Dip end of spoon in batter, scooping up about ½ T batter. Turn spoon over and strike on cookie sheet, then pull down against the sheet for 2½ inches, forming a teardrop shape that is wider at the top and very narrow at the bottom.

  9. Repeat with remaining batter, spacing cookies 2 ½ inches apart to allow for extensive spreading.

  10. Bake at 400'F for 6 to 7 minutes until edges are light brown.

  11. Remove from pan. Cool on rack. Cookies are best eaten the same day.

  12. Victoria/January/93 Scanned & fixed by Di and Gary Submitted By TERI CHESSER On 09-15-95


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