• 30minutes
  • 159calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

VitaminsB3, D, E
MineralsFluorine, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 2 (170.09 g) bag microwave popcorn, popped (measure 12 cups)

  2. 118 1/59 ml butter , melted

  3. 59.14 ml Karo syrup (now I use Agave Syrup)

  4. 236 1/29 ml brown sugar

  5. 2.46 ml baking soda

  6. 473.18 ml chow mein noodles (sold in cans or bags)

  7. 236 1/29 ml peanuts

  8. 473.18 ml candy corn (colored Halloween candies)

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Spray non-stick spray (such as Pam) over lower half of the inside of an ordinary brown paper grocery bag (helps keep popcorn from sticking to bag).

  2. Pop corn in microwave bags. Pour into prepared grocery bag, being careful to discard any unpopped kernels. Pour chow mein noodles and peanuts on top of popped corn - don't stir - they're fine to sit on top of the popcorn.

  3. In a large glass mixing bowl, combine butter, Karo and brown sugar. Microwave on high 3 MINUTES. Stir; then microwave an additional 2 MINUTES, stirring each minute.

  4. NOTE: You can also make the syrup on the stovetop - combine ingredients, bring to boil over medium heat. Cook 4-5 minutes, stirring each minute to scrape down sides and keep bubbles under control. Old fashioned candy-makers use the cold water test to determine if the syrup is done (spoon a thin line of the cooked mixture into cold water - the candy thread should harden. In candy-making terminology, this is called the Hard Ball stage).

  5. Once your candy mixture is done, remove from heat; then sprinkle baking soda on top while stirring to combine (careful - it will foam up!)

  6. Quickly pour this VERY HOT mixture into the grocery bag, on top of the popped corn, peanuts and chow mein noodles. Fold over top of bag and give things a good shake to combine.

  7. Put folded bag into microwave - heat 1 MINUTE - shake bag. Microwave another 30 SECONDS - shake bag. Microwave another 30 SECONDS - add candy corn - shake bag to combine and then pour mixture onto trays to cool. Store in air-tight container.


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