Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 pkg. rice noodles (if using glass noodles, soak 5 minutes in cold water before using)

  2. 1 c. pork / chicken / seafood

  3. 3 tbsp. oil

  4. 4 tbsp Chinese chive or spring onion

  5. 1 tbsp. sugar

  6. 2 tbsp. fish sauce

  7. 2 tbsp. oyster sauce

  8. 1 egg , beaten

  9. handful bean sprout or cabbage

  10. 3 tbsp. chopped garlic

  11. 1 c. chopped yellow tofu

  12. 1/2 c. water

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Put oil in wok with chopped garlic and fry until golden.

  2. Add meat, tofu and stir until meat is cooked.

  3. Add beaten egg.

  4. Add noodles, water (to make the noodles soft).

  5. Add fish sauce, oyster sauce, sugar.

  6. add bean spout and Chinese chives Turn off the heat Stir in fresh vegetables (cabbage, bean sprout, spring onion)

  7. Garnish with ground chillies and limes, to taste


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