Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 2 carrots , peeled

  2. 4 small leeks , split and cleaned

  3. 5 asparagus green , cut into 3- inch pieces

  4. 12 radishes , cleaned

  5. 1 small fennel , head

  6. 1 yellow onion , peeled and chopped

  7. 1 cup quinori , rinsed, (blend of red quinoa, whole long grain rice, chickpeas, white quinoa, and sesame seeds in equal parts, about 1/4 cup each)

  8. 4 tablespoons crushed tomatoes , coarsely chopped

  9. 2 sprigs Chervil

  10. 2 cilantro sprigs

  11. 3 parsley , Italian flat leaf

  12. 3 sprigs basil

  13. 1 clove garlic

  14. 2 tablespoons Morrocan Argan oil

  15. 6 tablespoons oat milk

  16. 2 tablespoons olive oil

  17. , to taste

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Directions:

  2. For the vegetables With a mandolin or knife, slice the vegetables as thinly as possible and reserve in the refrigerator between two damp paper towels.

  3. Cooking the quinori Preheat the oven to about 325 degrees Fahrenheit.

  4. Heat a cocotte, sweat the onions in 2 tablespoons olive oil for about 2 minutes stirring frequently.

  5. Add the quinori and mix. Add twice the volume in water and stir. Add 4 tablespoons coarsely chopped tomatoes to the quinori, cover and place in the oven for 15 minutes.


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