Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Your favorite pot roast leftover chuck- or I can give you my simple, easy, always gets rave- reviews recipe ( ridiculously easy)

  2. Mashed potato recipe

  3. corn , peas , carrots or whatever you like.

  4. beef broth ( I make it once a month and freeze it-so I use that) good quality to make the gravy

  5. butter and flour for the roux

  6. salt , pepper

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Because I have been cooking professionally for a very long time I do not measure but am able to help out if you are unsure of amts.

  2. Take out cold-cooked chuck roast and cube to about 1/2 inch pieces Make mashed potatoes to taste: keep them dense Corn or favorite vegetable Make a gravy starting with a roux and adding the broth Assemble by putting the meat and cooked vegetables in the bottom of a glass casserole dish Pour the gravy over the top-the amount of the gravy depends on the leftovers of the meat and veggies but make sure you have added alot of gravy Put dense mashed potatoes in mounds over the casserole mixture and spread over the meat and veggies Make 6 - 1/2 " TSP size "wells" in the potatoes and put dabs of butter in each Bake at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes or until you see bubbles forming along the corners and in the center of the casserole I know we all have our favorite Shepard's pie recipe, as I have, but this works


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