Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 2 onions , finely chopped

  2. A little oil

  3. 1-2 ts grated fresh ginger

  4. 1 tbs curry paste (I used red Thai curry, but anything goes)

  5. 1 400g tin of coconut milk

  6. 1 400g tin of chopped tomatoes

  7. 1 head of cauliflower , broken into bite sized pieces

  8. 2 potatoes , peeled and cut into chunks

  9. juice of 1 lemon

  10. 200 g fresh spinach

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. In a large pot, fry the onion in a little oil over medium heat until it softens

  2. Add the ginger and curry past and fry for 2 more minutes

  3. Add the potatoes, cauliflower, tomatoes and coconut milk and cook under a lid for 20 min or until the potatoes are cooked

  4. Remove from the heat, add spinach and lemon juice, stir, replace the lid and wait for 2 min

  5. Serve with basmati rice and naan bread


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