Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1/2 pack Frozen bread dough

  2. 1/2 of 1 lb pkg 8 oz

  3. 1 Egg, beaten

  4. 1 tablespoon Water

  5. 1 tablespoon Poppy seeds

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Thaw and let bread rise according to manufacturer's instructions.

  2. Punch down dough; divide in half. Set 1 half aside.

  3. Cut remaining half into thirds. With 1 of the thirds, form head shaped like a light bulb. With scissors, cut eyes, nose and mouth.

  4. Place heat at end of greased 17x11-inch rimmed baking sheet. Shape second third into 3-inch long triangle; place, point down, below heat to form body. Divide remaining third of dough into 7 pieces; roll into sausages. Arrange 3 on each side of upper body for ribs. Use remaining piece for neck.

  5. Halve reserved dough. With 1 half, make 4 logs for upper and lower legs; attach to body. With two-thirds of the remaining dough, make 4 logs for upper and lower arms; attach at shoulders.

  6. With remaining dough, make 2 small and 2 large triangles for hands and feet. With scissors, make 4 cuts at broad ends of triangles for fingers and toes; attach to arms and legs. Cover and let rise for 30 minutes.

  7. Whisk egg with water; brush some over joints, pressing to seal. Brush entire skeleton with remaining egg wash; sprinkle with poppy seeds.

  8. Bake in 375F 190C oven for about 15 minutes or until golden.

  9. Source: Canadian Living magazine, Nov 95 Presented in article "Kids & Fun: Happy Halloween" Recipe by Judy Schultz of "The Edmonton Journal" [-=PAM=-] PA_Meadows@...


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