Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Olive or vegetable oil

  2. 2 onions, peeled and chopped

  3. 8 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped

  4. 1 bulb fennel, chopped

  5. 4 6-ounce salmon filets

  6. 1 can whole tomatoes (28oz)

  7. 1 can chick peas, drained and rinsed (398ml)

  8. 1 cup black olives, Calamata style, pitted

  9. 1 bunch rosemary, chopped

  10. Salt and pepper

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Build a roaring fire in your favourite fire ring and let it burn down to a hot bed of coals.

  2. Carefully place the Muurikka pan over the heat, pushing it down a bit to firmly anchor the legs. Add a few sticks to the fire so that some flame licks the bottom of the pan.

  3. Pour in a large splash of oil. Add the onion, garlic and fennel and sauté until golden and soft. Push the vegetables up to the side of the pan, up and away from the direct heat. The cooking oil will drain towards the center and pool in the middle. Splash in a bit a bit more oil if needed. When it's smoking hot, season the salmon with salt and pepper and place in the centre of the pan. Sear on both sides till golden and then push aside out of direct heat. Scrape the vegetables back into the centre of the pan and add tomatoes, chick peas, olives, rosemary, salt and pepper and simmer until everything is hot and bubbly. Place the salmon on top of the stewed vegetables. Remove the whole pan from the heat and serve at once


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