Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1kg of black fish

  2. 8cardamom pods

  3. 1/2 table spoon coriander

  4. 1/2 table spooncumin

  5. 1 table spoon roasted curry powder

  6. 1 teaspoonsalt

  7. 2 tablespoons cracked black pepper

  8. 1 stick of cinnamon

  9. 3 pieces of goroka

  10. 1 large onion diced chopped fine

  11. 2 green chillies

  12. 2 cloves garlic

  13. 1 sprig curry leaves

  14. tsp fenugreek seeds

  15. 1 tbsp chilli flakes

  16. 1 slice of ginger

  17. 1 tsp of black pepper corns

  18. water to cover the fish

  19. juice of lime

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Grind the cardamom pods, coriander, cumin, curry powder, salt, pepper, cinnamon chillies, garlic, chilli flakes, ginger, black pepper corns and goroka with a little water onto a grinding stone and make a paste. Set aside.

  2. Wash and cut the fish into 4-6 pieces through the bone.

  3. Place all the remaining ingredients in an earthenware chatty with 250 ml of water and mix until the paste has dissolved.

  4. Mix in the fish and then cook over a coal fire, covered, until the water has evaporated.


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