• 4servings
  • 30minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids
VitaminsA, B2, B3
MineralsSelenium, Natrium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Sliced bone less chicken 1/2kg.

  2. Oil

  3. Cumin seed-2 tsp

  4. Onions-3

  5. Green chilies-

  6. Ginger -1tsp

  7. Garlic -1tsp

  8. Tomato paste-3tsp

  9. Spices:

  10. Salt -2tsp

  11. 3tspCurry powder

  12. Red chili powder-2tsp

  13. Green cardamom-3/4 pieces

  14. Cream-half of cup

  15. Cinnamon-2tsp

  16. Coriander powder-2tsp

  17. Shredded coconut

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Heat oil in a pan.

  2. Add cumin seed and fry.

  3. Add Onions, green chili (optional) mix it well.

  4. Add chopped ginger and garlic, fry well.

  5. When onions turn lightly golden brown, add chicken.

  6. Fry chicken 3/4minutes. Add salt.

  7. Stir chicken until the chicken becomes pale.

  8. Add rest of the spices like turmeric, red chili, green cardamom, cinnamon, and coriander powder and mix well.

  9. Give it 2-3 minutes.

  10. Mix tomato paste.

  11. Add ½ cup of cream and stir 10-15 minutes.

  12. Sprinkle shredded coconut on the top of the chicken korma.

  13. Water (only if gravy begins to dry.).

  14. Try chicken korma with rice, naan, roti etc.


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