Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 600g or 1 1/3 lb Cat Fish

  2. 16 Garlic Cloves, skinned

  3. 3 Tablespoons Minced Scallion

  4. 1 Tablespoon Sesame Oil

  5. 1 Tablespoon Chinese "Garlic Leek"

  6. 1/2 Tablespoon Cooking Wine

  7. 1 teaspoon Minced Ginger

  8. Seasoning:

  9. A:

  10. 1 Cup Water

  11. 2 Tablespoons Soy Sauce

  12. 1/2 Tablespoon Black Vinegar

  13. 2 teaspoons Sugar

  14. 1/4 teaspoon Pepper.

  15. B:

  16. 1/2 Tablespoon Water

  17. 1 teaspoon Corn Starch

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Wash and drain the fish, cut into 3 cm pieces. Cut the white part of the garlic leek into diagonal slices, and shred the green leaves.

  2. Heat the wok, add 3 Tablespoons oil. Heat to hot and stir fry minced garlic to fragrant.

  3. Add in white parts of the garlic leek, ginger and fish; fry for 1 minute.

  4. Add in wine and seasoning A. Cover and braise over low heat for 10 minutes.

  5. Thicken with B. Pour sesame oil over the fish and sprinkle on minced scallion and shredded green garlic leek. Serve hot.


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