Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 cup shortening

  2. 1 cup brown sugar

  3. 1 cup white sugar

  4. 3 eggs

  5. 1 teaspoon vanilla

  6. 4 cups flour

  7. 1/4 teaspoon salt

  8. 1 teaspoon baking soda

  9. 1 lb dates

  10. 1/2 cup sugar

  11. 1/4 cup water (or more)

  12. 1 cup nuts, chopped

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Mix cookie ingredients. Roll on floured board 1/2 inch thick.

  2. Mix filling ingredients and cook until hot; cool.

  3. Spread on dough like jelly roll.

  4. Place in refrigerator overnight.

  5. Slice and bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes or until golden brown.


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