Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. olive oil , for shallow-frying

  2. 2 pork fillets

  3. 2 apples , peeled and chopped

  4. 100 g chestnuts , cooked and peeled

  5. 2 clove garlic , peeled

  6. 8 slices of Serrano ham

  7. 2 jerusalem artichokes

  8. 2 parsnips , finely chopped

  9. 1/4 red cabbage , very finely shredded

  10. rocket , finely shredded

  11. mizuna leaves , finely shredded

  12. country bread , sliced thinly, brushed with melted butter and toasted

  13. 2 egg yolks

  14. 8 tbsp truffle oil

  15. 250 ml vegetable oil

  16. 1 bunch of chives

  17. juice of 2 lemons

  18. salt , and freshly ground pepper

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Preheat the oven to 170°C/gas 3.

  2. Heat the olive oil for shallow frying in an ovenproof frying pan. Season the pork fillets with salt and freshly ground pepper. Add to the pan and fry until nut brown on both sides. Remove from the pan and allow to cool.

  3. In a food processor, blend the apple, chestnuts and garlic into a fine paste.

  4. Layer the Serrano ham in overlapping slices on a sheet of cling film. Smear the chestnut paste over the Serrano ham and top with the pork fillets.

  5. Roll the Serrano ham up over the fillets, using the cling film as a rolling mat, then discard the cling film.

  6. Place the Serrano ham roll in the frying pan, drizzling with olive oil. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes.

  7. Peel the Jerusalem artichokes and shave finely into a bowl of water acidulated with a dash of vinegar or lemon juice to prevent the artichokes from discolouring.

  8. To make dressing: whisk the egg yolk in a bowl. Slowly pour over the truffle and vegetable oils, whisking in well. Add in the chives and lemon juice and season with salt and freshly ground pepper.

  9. Drain the Jerusalem artichokes and toss with the parsnip, red cabbage, rocket and mizuna. Place in a serving dish.

  10. . Slice the roasted pork parcels and layer over the vegetables. Drizzle with the dressing, garnish with toasted bread and serve at once.


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