Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 2 duck breasts

  2. 6 tablespoons white wine vinager

  3. 2 tablespoons honey

  4. 6 tablespoons 5 spice powder

  5. 1 piece of ginger

  6. 2 chilis

  7. emmental cheese , grated

  8. 400 g nut salad

  9. 2 chicoree

  10. 1 lettuce

  11. 1 radicchio

  12. 1 red onion

  13. 1 pomegranate

  14. 2 boiled eggs

  15. 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

  16. 2 teaspoons grape seed oil

  17. 2 teaspoons red wine vinager

  18. 2 teaspoons milk

  19. 2 teaspoons pomegranate juice

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. The day before marinate the duck breasts. The side without skin with five spice powder, the skin side with a mixture of white wine vinager and honey. Cut chili and ginger and sprinkle over the skin.

  2. Heat a saucepan and fry it on the skin side, then on the other.

  3. Preheat oven to 180°C and broil it medium or as you prefer.

  4. Heat a saucepan and melt cheese in a circle. When it gets brown take a glass and put the melted cheese over it to form a cheese basket.

  5. Clean the pomegranate, save some of the juice for the salat dressing.

  6. Cut duck breast in thin slices and put each on a chiccoree leaf.

  7. Make dressing of the boild eggs, chopped oinion, dijon mustard, red wine vinager, grape seed oil, milk and pomegranate juice. Pour it over the salad and serve.


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