Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Ingredient Name Unit Quantity

  2. Baby corn spears, cut into half lengthways

  3. 10 basil finely chopped

  4. cup 1/4 Cauliflower florets

  5. grams 200 Coconut milk

  6. cup 1 1/2 Cooking oil

  7. tbsp 1 Curry paste

  8. tbsp 2 Fish sauce

  9. tbsp 2 Green peppercorns, roughly chopped

  10. tbsp 1 Kaffir lime leaves

  11. 6 Lime juice

  12. tbsp 1 Onion chopped

  13. 1 Potatoes chopped

  14. 2 Red pepper (capsicum) cut into strips

  15. number

  16. 1/2 Snake beans, cut into 3 cm piece

  17. grams 150 Soft brown sugar

  18. tsp 2 Water

  19. cup 1

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Heat the cooking oil in a large wok or frying pan. Cook the onion and curry paste for 4 minutes over medium heat, stirring continuously. Add the coconut milk and water, bring to the boil and simmer, uncovered for 5 minutes. Add the potato, cauliflower and kaffir lime leaves, and simmer for 7 minutes. Add the snake beans, red pepper, corn and peppercorn and cook for 5 minutes or until the vegetables are soft and tender. Stir in the basil, fish sauce, lime juice and sugar. Serve with steamed rice.


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