Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 100 grams (4 oz.) french beans.

  2. 100 grams (4 oz.) carrots

  3. 100 grams (4 oz.) potatoes

  4. 100 grams (4 oz.) cauliflower

  5. 100 grams (4 oz) capsicums

  6. 100 grams (4 oz) paneer

  7. 100 grams (4 oz.) cashew nuts

  8. 100 grams (4 oz.) raisins

  9. 100 grams (4 oz.) green peas

  10. 2 tomatoes

  11. 1 cup curd

  12. 4 tablespoons ghee

  13. (Ghee for deep frying)

  14. Salt (to taste)

  15. sugar (to taste)

  16. For Decoration: ( Silver paper, )

  17. pineapple (pieces)

  18. (few) cherries

  19. To be Ground into a paste:

  20. 6 cloves garlic

  21. 2 green chillies

  22. 4 (kashmiri) red chillies

  23. 1 piece ginger

  24. 2 teaspoons coriander seeds

  25. 1 teaspoons cumin seeds

  26. 1 teaspoon (shah)-jeera

  27. 3 cardamoms

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Cut the french beans, carrots and potatoes into small cubes.

  2. · Cut the cauliflower into big pieces · Boil the french beans, carrots, cauliflower and green peas · Deep fry the potatoes in ghee · Cut the paneer into small cubes and deep fry in ghee · Cut the capsicums into long strips · Grind the tomatoes with very little water · Whip the curds · Heat the ghee in a vessel and fry the paste for a little time · Add the tomatoes and curds and fry again for a few minutes · Add the vegetables, cashewnuts, raisins, paneer pieces, salt and sugar and cook for a few minutes · Decorate with pieapple pieces, silver foil and cherries


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