• 3servings
  • 20minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsLipids, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B3, C, E
MineralsNatrium, Fluorine, Calcium, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 250 Grams Cauliflower

  2. 3 (to 4) Tbsp Green masala paste

  3. 1 Tbsp Turmeric powder

  4. 1/2 Tsp Chat masala

  5. 1/2 Tsp Garam (or kitchen king) masala

  6. 3 Tbsp Corn Flour

  7. 2 Tbsp Maida/All purpose flour

  8. 1/3 Cup Sesame Seeds

  9. (Hudson canola) oil for frying

  10. salt as per taste.

  11. For garnish:

  12. pomegranate seeds,

  13. (finely chopped) coriander

  14. 1 lime

  15. Green Masala Paste:

  16. 2 Sprigs Curry leaves

  17. 5 (to 8 )Green Chilies

  18. (Fist full) mint leaves

  19. coriander leaves

  20. 1 piece (1 Inch) Ginger

  21. Garlic flakes 8

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Add all the ingredients to a mixer jar and grind to a smooth paste add water to grind to form smooth paste.

  2. This masala paste can be used for veg and non veg recipes its a versatile masala paste that can be prepare and stored in a air tight container and frozen.

  3. Please follow the simple steps to clean a cauliflower please click here to follow simple steps Method:

  4. In a mixing bowl add the cleaned cauliflower, masala paste, turmeric powder, chat masala, garam masala, salt corn flour and maida mix well sprinkle water if the mixture is to thick the masala paste should coat the cauliflower.

  5. Place a cover on the cauliflower allow to marinate for 10 to 15 minutes.

  6. Spread the seasame seeds on a plate and rool out each floret on sesame seeds.

  7. Heat oil in a wok on medium to low flame drop the florets one by one and fry till golden brown drain.

  8. Serve the cauliflower in a serving bowl garnish with pomogrante seeds coriander and mint.


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