• 4servings
  • 28minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B2, B3, B9, C, P
MineralsSelenium, Copper, Natrium, Silicon, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1tsp. oil

  2. 4 well-trimmed

  3. 1" thick smoked pork chops (bone-in,about 2 lbs)

  4. 1 large red onion ,sliced

  5. 4c. shreaded green cabbage

  6. 1/2c each apple cider or juice and chicken broth

  7. 1/4tsp each salt and pepper

  8. 1/4tsp. caraway seed

  9. 1 gala apple ,quartered,cored,cut in

  10. 1/2" thick wedges,wedges halved

  11. 2Tbs snipped fresh dill

  12. 2tsp cider vinegar

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Heat oil in lg. non-stick pan. Add chops and cook,turning once,5 mins till browned. Remove Add onion to skillet,saute 3 mins. until golden. Add cabbage,cider,broth,salt,pepper and caraway seeds;cook,stirring often 5 mins or until cabbage is almost tender. Stir in apple;cook 3 mins,stirring often,until apple is almost tender. Place chops on top Cover and cook over low heat 2 mins. or till cabbage and apples are tender and chops are heated through. Remove chops to plates or platter. Stir dill and vinegar into cabbage mixture. Serve with the chops.


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