• 4servings

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B2, B3, C, P
MineralsNatrium, Silicon, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. Chicken 1kg.

  2. Poppy seeds 2 tsp.

  3. Grated coconut 1/2

  4. Fennel seeds 1 tsp.

  5. Coriander seeds 1 tsp.

  6. Cumin seeds 1/2 tsp.

  7. Whole red chilies 6-8 nos.

  8. Cinnamon 1" stick

  9. (Green) cardamom 1 tsp

  10. Cloves 2 nos.

  11. Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp.

  12. Tomatoes, medium 3 nos.

  13. Onion, (large) 1 no.

  14. Lemon 1 no.

  15. Ginger, (chopped) 2 tsp.

  16. Curry leaves 10-12 nos.

  17. Garlic, chopped 2 tsp.

  18. Fresh coriander Garnish.

  19. aniseed 1 tsp

  20. Oil 1/2 cup

  21. Red chili powder 1 tsp.

  22. Salt to taste

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Clean the chicken, remove the skin and cut into 12 pieces 2.Chop the onions and tomatoes separately 3.Roast the whole red chilies, grated coconut, poppy seeds, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, green cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, star anise, fennel seeds in oil and grind to a paste along with ginger and garlic 4.Heat oil in a vessel and fry the onions till golden, then add curry leaves and the ground paste and sauté for some time 5.Add the tomatoes, red chili powder and turmeric powder and sauté

  2. 6.Add the chicken, mix and cook for 5 minutes and then add 2 cups of water and lemon juice 7.Cover and cook till the chicken is done 8.Serve hot garnished with coriander leaves and accompanied with boiled rice or parathas.


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