• 45minutes
  • 258calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B1, B2, B3, B9, B12, C, P
MineralsCopper, Natrium, Silicon, Potassium, Iron, Sulfur, Chlorine, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 225 g firm tofu , finely chopped

  2. 1 aubergine (about 250g)

  3. 100 g shiitake mushrooms

  4. 1 carrot

  5. 60 g breadcrumbs (you can make this from about 1-2 slices wholemeal bread)

  6. 80 g cashew nuts , very finely chopped

  7. 1 egg

  8. 1 small onion

  9. 2 garlic cloves , peeled, crushed

  10. 1 stick lemongrass

  11. 1 inch knob ginger

  12. 2 small red chilies

  13. 1 bunch coriander

  14. 2 kaffir lime leaves

  15. 2 tablespoons dark soy sauce

  16. 2 tablespoons flour

  17. salt & freshly ground black pepper

  18. vegetable oil (for cooking)

  19. sweet chili sauce

  20. garlic and lime mayonnaise

  21. 1 slice cucumber , onion, tomato (pickled if you like)

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Start by very finely chopping the mushrooms and aubergine, so they’re about ½ centimetre cubed. Fry them in a wok or pan with a little vegetable and 1 tablespoon of the soy sauce until they are soft all the way through. Don’t be tempted to add any more liquid, you need them to be dry so they don’t make the burgers soggy. When they are done, set them aside to cool.

  2. Prepare all of your other ingredients: Finely pound the cashews in a food processor or mortar and pestle – you should have a fine powder with a few lumps for texture. Chop the tofu into small pieces about the same size as the aubergines and mushrooms. Finely grate the carrot. Finely chop the onion, garlic, chilli, coriander, ginger, lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves. Take time to do this properly – large chunks won’t be pleasant. The lemongrass and lime leaves are particularly tough and you should chop these as finely as you can. For the chillies, leave the seeds in (finely chopped) if you want them spicy, remove if not.

  3. Combine all of the burger ingredients into a large bowl and combine with your hands. Then divide the mixture into six and form into large patties. It should be a nice firm mixture but if not add a few more breadcrumbs and a bit more flour.

  4. Heat a frying pan or griddle pan with a little oil over a medium heat and gently place the burgers in the pan. After 3-4 minutes turn over and cook for 3-4 minutes on both sides. Turn over again and cook for another 2 minutes on each side.

  5. Serve in the buns with the sauces and other garnishes.

  6. Cooking ahead? You can make these a day in advance and keep them in the fridge, or well ahead and freeze, defrosting several hours before cooking.


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