• 6servings
  • 198calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsLipids, Cellulose
VitaminsB3, C, E, P
MineralsNatrium, Fluorine, Chromium, Silicon, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 cup fresh corn kernels (about 2 ears)

  2. 2 pounds fingerling potatoes, cut into 1-inch pieces

  3. 2 1/2 tablespoons olive oil, divided

  4. 2 tablespoons chopped fresh tarragon

  5. 2 tablespoons cider vinegar

  6. 2 tablespoons whole-grain Dijon mustard

  7. 1/2 teaspoon hot pepper sauce (such as Tabasco)

  8. 3/4 teaspoon salt

  9. 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

  10. Cooking spray

  11. 3/4 cup vertically sliced red onion

  12. 3/4 cup diced zucchini

  13. 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Preheat oven to 425°.

  2. Place corn and potatoes on a jelly-roll pan. Drizzle vegetables with 1 tablespoon oil; toss to coat. Bake at 425° for 30 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Place mixture in a large bowl. Combine tarragon and next 5 ingredients (through pepper) in a small bowl, stirring with a whisk. Gradually add remaining 1 1/2 tablespoons oil, stirring constantly with a whisk. Drizzle potato mixture with dressing; toss gently to coat.

  3. Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Coat pan with cooking spray. Add onion and zucchini to pan; cook 4 minutes or until lightly browned, stirring occasionally. Add zucchini mixture and tomatoes to potato mixture; toss gently to combine.


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