• 8servings
  • 45minutes

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Carbohydrates
VitaminsA, B1, H, D, E
MineralsMagnesium, Phosphorus, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. One 2-3 lb. chuck roast

  2. 1 cup peanut butter

  3. 1 1/2 cups water

  4. 3 tablespoons soy sauce

  5. a pinch of garlic powder (my girlfriend isn't a big fan of garlic)

  6. a pinch of chili powder (or chili powder )

  7. a pinch of ginger powder (or that either)

  8. 8-10 ounces dry macaroni

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Put a pot of water on to boil (don't forget a teaspoon or so of salt)

  2. Cut the chuck into bite size pieces and set aside Put the macaroni into the water when it reaches a boil Mix together peanut butter, water, teriyaki and spices in a sauce pan until well integrated.

  3. When the pasta is done, drain it and then put it back in the pot.

  4. Add the beef and peanut sauce Add another half cup of water and mix together Allow to simmer for 10-15 minutes with the lid on in order to cook the beef Remove the lid so that the extra water will evaporate.


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