
Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 4 large beetroots

  2. 2 sticks celery

  3. 2 onions

  4. cabbage

  5. 2 carrots

  6. 2 polish sausage

  7. 2 pork spare ribs

  8. 1 potato

  9. bunch parsley

  10. bunch dill

  11. 3 tins baked beans

  12. 6 lts water

  13. 500mls of tomato sauce

  14. 2 tsp sugar

  15. salt to taste

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. In a large pot place beetroots, chopped -celery, onions, carrots, cabbage, polish sausage. Also place the whole pork ribs, potato, picked and washed dill and parsley. Cover with 6lts of water place on high heat bring to boil, once boiled turn heat down to low and allow to simmer until beetroot is tender.

  2. Strain the stock and reserve the liquid and the beetroots.

  3. Peel the skin of the beets while they are still hot, coarsely grate the beets Add the grated beets back to the stock with the baked beans and tomato sauce Check seasoning and serve


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