Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 1 lb lean pork

  2. 1 cup carrots

  3. 1 cup kohlrabi

  4. 1 cup broccoli

  5. 1 cup cauliflower

  6. 1 cup celery

  7. 2 onion

  8. 1 cup cabbage

  9. 1 cup sugar peas

  10. some ginger

  11. 1 cup broth

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Over medium high heat, fry garlic and ginger in oil; add meat and fry until cooked through. Remove meat. In additional oil, fry vegetables 4-6 minutes. Add meat, broth and sauces and bring to a boil. Add corn flour mixture to thicken. Serve over rice.


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