• 8servings
  • 15minutes
  • 53calories

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Nutrition Info . . .

NutrientsProteins, Lipids, Cellulose
VitaminsA, B1, B3, B6
MineralsSelenium, Zinc, Chromium, Silicon, Potassium, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Molybdenum

Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓

  1. 118 1/59 ml textured vegetable protein

  2. 118 1/59 ml boiling water

  3. 59.14 ml whole wheat flour (or gluten-free flour)

  4. 59.14 ml flax seed meal

  5. 59.14 ml oat bran or 59.14 ml wheat bran

  6. 29 1/28 ml nutritional yeast

  7. 4.92 ml garlic powder

  8. 2.46 ml crushed sage

  9. 2.46 ml ground fennel

  10. 1 1/53 ml black pepper

  11. 1/29 ml cayenne

  12. 59.14 ml water

  13. 2.46 ml liquid smoke

  14. 44 1/37 ml Braggs liquid aminos or 44 1/37 ml soy sauce

  15. 4.92 ml maple syrup

  16. 1 1/53 ml blackstrap molasses

  17. oil (for frying)

Instructions Jump to Ingredients ↑

  1. Stir together tvp and boiling water and set aside to soak for 5 minutes.

  2. Meanwhile, mix flour, flax, bran, and dry spices; stir to incorporate. Stir in tvp. In a measuring cup, measure out water; add liquid smoke directly to the cup and stir, if using (this way the smoke will be evenly distributed). Stir in other liquid ingredients, then add wet to dry; mix well. With your hands, form mixture into 2" balls and flatten slightly into patties.

  3. Fry in oil in an uncovered frying pan on medium heat, about 2 minutes per side (or until browned).

  4. Freeze leftovers (if you have any) and microwave 1-2 minutes to enjoy on busy weekday mornings.


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